Why learn to sell in conversation?

  • People don't want to be sold to

    HONESTLY! People don't want to be sold to or at. They want to understand the needs that are being met at that time.

  • Conversation sells better then sales pitch

    When engaging in conversation with people they are more open and receptive to services and products that may benefit them and their needs.

  • Its not about money

    When selling in conversation you learn that its not about making money its about helping someone with the product/service they need to help them with the best outcome.

Conversational selling is quick and easy to learn

  • 01

    Intro: - Welcome to Conversational Selling

  • 02

    Stage 1 : - Greeting

    • Greeting

    • Make your greeting

  • 03

    Stage 2 : - You

    • You

    • Make your you

  • 04

    Stage 3 : - Location

    • Location

    • Make your location

  • 05

    Stage 4: - Adjective

    • Adjective

    • Make you adjective

  • 06

    Stage 5: - Title

    • Title

    • Make your title

  • 07

    Stage 6: - Play

    • Play

    • Play Play Play

  • 08

    Your selling question

    • Create your selling question

    • Selling question

Your Investment into Your Future

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